The current trend in American enterprise is to "downsize" or "right size", so as to improve productivity and cut costs.  Operating costs are reduced by eliminating excess payroll and by outsourcing for services that are needed only temporarily.

We propose to offer you services that are in tune with current economic realities and the needs you face, in the manner most acceptable and comfortable to you.

As businesses contract for services, it becomes clear that new service providers must have some understanding of how their potential clients operate, their values, and the imperatives driving them.  These values are often different from those held by the typical service vendor.

We believe that because of Grayhair's unique collective career experiences we can bridge the cultural differences between the suppliers of traditional services and the business community.  We speak your language and understand your business needs.  This is our "value added" compared to competitors offering similar but traditionally rendered services.

Having participated in all facets of the process we know how to play the game.  Grayhair knows the process, the players, the rules, and most importantly the reasons for the rules and their importance in a quality product life cycle.

Grayhair knows Product Realization Teams and the Product Realization Process.  It pays to have the Grayhair experience on your team.  We helped write the book.